Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hunter Men!

Monday was a day off school so Jeff took Harrison hunting. Harrison set out, complete with hunter orange vest, plastic cap gun (held together by duct tape!), and a hunter orange hat that said "Nice Rack" (courtesy of Jeff, thanks for that!). They had a great time, but, once again, brought home nothing (yay, score one for the pheasants!). However, they did manage to take these two great photos, which I loved and wanted to share.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting these pictures to memoralize the moment. It's not about the pheasants. It's about getting out and enjoying a beautiful Fall day with the boy. I told Harrison the best part about not seeing any birds is that we didn't have to clean any birds or the gun after the hunt.I think Harrison just likes to hear the guns go boom?