Tuesday, February 24, 2009

San Francisco Day Three!

So, a few days' delay on this one (you know how it goes, you return home and all hell breaks loose). The third day in SF was very rainy! Being a Seattleite, I thought, no big deal. I borrowed an umbrella from the front desk at the hotel and decided to take a cab to a bookstore I had missed the day before. We pulled up in front of the bookstore and it was closed! I asked the cabbie to take me to Chinatown instead. So, we basically made a complete circle to the tune of $8.90 to end up two blocks from where I started! The good news about that was that a couple standing in the rain sort of "hijacked" my cab and asked if they could get in, wanting to go to the Drake hotel. I said sure as long as we stopped in Chinatown first. When we arrived there, they paid my fare! How nice!

So, first I had to venture downhill to the Starbucks to get my morning mocha and pastry. I had to share a table with some guy but we both stuck to our respective reading. After that, I set back uphill to peruse Grant street again in search of "ties, 100% silk, three for $15". Jeff wanted some new ties. So, I found some for him and then decided to go the opposite way on Grant, ending up in the "fancy, schmancy, hoity-toity, upscale shopping district" (I'm quoting myself here!). Wow, any store you could ever want, Versace, Armani, Saks, little boutique stores, loomed around Union Square. However, the relentless blowing rain had by now soaked my jeans all the way up to my knees and my feet had been rudely submerged in puddles while crossing various streets, so I was really wet and miserable. I ducked into a Borders (a bookstore, heaven!) and spent a while perusing the bargain-priced book racks. I suddenly felt very tired and weary of walking and completely fed up with the rain. So, I decided to take a cab back to the hotel.

I spent the last four hours waiting for Jeff reading in the hotel lobby and restaurant. BORING! A man from the training lived in Foster City and offered us a ride to the airport so we gladly accepted (the BART wasn't all that!). We had a bumpy ride home on the plane and I was so relieved to get home and out of my wet clothes and shoes! But I already miss the city and mostly the freedom and luxury of having a weekend away. It was the best!

1 comment:

Mimi/Papa said...

Glad you had a great time in SF! I love that city, but wear myself out every time we go there just walking and looking, forget shopping!! Next time there, try going to Japantown...it's nice, too. Enjoy all the memories of this trip and plan for another one soon...maybe to Scottsdale?? haha Love you! Mom and Dad