Saturday, July 11, 2009

Run of the Mill 5K

Jeff celebrating afterward with too much beer and rum!
Jason doing some double-fisted celebrating with Jeff!

Julius with his free Top Pot donut!

There goes Jeff! (Red tank top)

There goes Amy! (Purple shirt)

Amy (purple shirt) and Jeff (red tank top) cross the starting line!

Jeff and I - love this pic!

Amy, Kathy, and Jeff before the race! Go runners!

Jeff says "ouch, my hamstring still hurts!"
Today was Run of the Mill 5K road race. Jeff competed, along with our friend Amy and we found Kathy along the way as well! Everyone did great on their times (Amy beat her personal best!) and Jeff came in at 29:20. That's 9.7 min. miles! That's pretty fast for an old guy! HAHA. It was a beautiful morning, sunny and hot. We came back to our house after, grabbing Azteca for lunch on the way (this was so early we even had to wait in the car till the restaurant opened!). We had Mexican food and beer on the deck and then I took a three hour nap, while Jeff ran some errands. (Watching people exercise is exhausting to me, I guess!) Jeff celebrated later with a lot of rum and beer (I can smell him as I type!). Go, Jeff!


chemrulz said...

It was a good time, I'm going to make that a yearly race, way better than St Pat's. Great lunch time visiting with you guys!

jeff said...

I agree with chemrulz:) Local is best! Good times!