Sunday, January 4, 2009


It is snowing again! It can't snow anymore. The kids must go to school tomorrow. Stop snowing. Stop it now!


Shelly B said...

I hope school isn't closed today. I just posted how excited I was that my kids went back to school this morning and they haven't been off as long as yours.

MAMMA said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I thought the same thing, but it wasn't because the kids couldn't go back to school - believe me Coeur d'Alene doesn't cancel school unless we get 3 feet in 30 hours! It was because we were hoping for a snow day so we could have a Guitar Hero World Tour tournament with all the friends! :-( So I guess I will be playing GH by myself today. Off to school they went - 6 inches of fresh snow and all!