Saturday, August 1, 2009

Forest Park

Hungry goat!

Aww.....cute baby cow!

Goat eating Hayley's shirt!

Bored teenagers! Hayley, 16, Flower, almost 17, Hannah, almost 14

Hannah, Hayley and Mommy!

Hayley gets wet!

Harrison and Arlie maximizing the water

Flower and Hannah looking enthused!

Arlie and Abbie bust a move!

Arlie loves the water!
We spent day two of the hotter than h-e-double hockey sticks days at Forest Park in Everett. This park has a playground, water park, and petting zoo in one! It was a nice reprieve from the heat, because there was lots of shade and plenty of water to cool us off.

1 comment:

Mimi/Papa said...

Looks like a lot of fun! This is Saturday, Aug. 1, and when I left work this afternoon it was 119 and 'only' 115 when I drove in our parking space at home!!! haha It is to be cooling down to 101 for tonight! haha I love never disappoints! Have a great time and the ocean!!!! Will be thinking of you! MOm and DAd