Thursday, September 24, 2009


I am so glad I don't have a job that requires me to commute. Honestly, I think I'd rather make less money and work closer to home than get stuck in Seattle traffic day after day. Today I had to drive to the U district, not even downtown, and it took almost an hour to get there - at 2:30 in the afternoon! Then, to drive on the SAME road a few miles took me another 40 minutes. Then, I agreed to drive downtown to pick up a package for Jeff. Well, apparently at night in downtown Seattle, they think it's fun to close off random streets for various construction projects. So, I got lost and turned around and drove around and around until the meeting where I was supposed to pick up the package was over! In the meantime, I tried to call Jeff about a hundred times, but he refuses to keep his cell phone on him (and even when it's on him, he rarely answers it), so I was not able to get in touch with him. I ended up WAY far away from the freeway and had to go a roundabout way to get back to the freeway and didn't get home until almost 9. I hate traffic! Thank God I rarely have to drive in it.

1 comment:

Mimi/Papa said...

Well...did Jeff ever get his package?? haha