Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Plastic Carrot

The other day, I opened up my car door to find a small plastic carrot on the floor. I thought, oh, a plastic carrot. Because what else would you think? But then I started to wonder, where the heck did that COME from? Because I have seen no similar plastic carrot before in my life. It was about the size of the similar play food we have with our toy kitchen (yes, I know my kids are 11, 12, 14, and 16 but we STILL have a toy kitchen and play food, and, true confessions, certain children still play with it!). But, alas, we have no plastic carrots. No worries, I thought, perhaps it was some plastic fodder from a kids' meal at a fast-food restaurant. But we have been to no fast-food restaurants in quite some time. Certainly the kids would explain it away. Oddly, none of them had ever seen this plastic carrot, nor did they have any suggestions as to where it originated. Now, I'm telling you, this is plain strange. Who ends up with a toy plastic carrot in their car for no known reason? It's a mystery. One I'd like to solve. Because before you know it, I'm going to start having plastic carrot dreams. My imagination will go wild. Is this the calling card of some psychopathic killer? Does he wear a large bunny suit? The possibilities are endless.


Sarah said...

Weird!! You'll have to keep us updated on the carrot mystery...

Tonya said...

At least he left a plastic carrot and not droppings... bunnies do that, even pyscho bunnymen! And watch your back- bunnies multiply quickly. You could soon have an entire clan of crazed bunny clad killers after you. Maybe you should get some beagles!

Jeff said...

You funny