Thursday, April 2, 2009

Really, really bad dog Shade!!

Shade ate about ten Hershey bars and just now threw up the evidence on my bedroom floor!!! Jeff and I were watching the ER finale and now he's on the floor using the carpet cleaner and scrubbing dog barf residue. I swear, this dog is nothing but a pain in the ass, and frankly, animal lover that I am, I don't see the point in having a "pet" like him. But Jeff goes back and forth, and I know he would never get rid of this beast. Perhaps I can slowly poison him with a wee bit of arsenic sprinkled over his food each day? Now, if only I knew how to find arsenic..........


Sydney said...

I cannot believe that dog has survived his own antics for this long!

Never Fear, Hannah is Here! said...

I swear to God, Shade is a different spieces. What kind of dog eats staples and lives?

Mimi/Papa said...

You said that Amie gave her dog a "weird" name, but have you thought about the names of your own dogs...?? haha

Mary-Leah said...

Yes, but Amie named her female dog "Bruce" or something decidedly masculine! HAHA! Plus, real people names for dogs are weird. Except for Georgette. Because, really, who is named Georgette? The funny thing is, right after we named her, Doug met a woman named Georgette - she was one of his clients. We cracked up!