Monday, July 20, 2009

So many things to do.......think I'll blog!

So it's 8 at night and I have so many things to do. I totally bailed on Jeff's softball game. I didn't even leave him a message (of course, he hasn't called me either......) and I feel kinda bad because he's on his bike and I should really go pick him up.........but I need to color my roots because they are so gray and I just hate my gray hair and why do I even have to have gray hair and I can't afford to have it colored every two weeks so it's just me and a bottle of $6 Nice and Easy which Jeff calls Nice and anyway, if I go color my roots then he'll call to be picked up and then I'll be all WET from rinsing and I might as well just take a shower after that because I'll already have to rinse my hair and it would save me time in the morning if I just get a shower after I do my roots......but then if I'm all nice and clean it would really be nice to have some clean sheets on the bed, which I've been meaning to do for like, three weeks (I know, mom, gross, but what can I do? I have four kids, no maid and a job......I just can't change the sheets every week)......and then if I strip the sheets off I'll have an even bigger pile of laundry and I already have all the blankets and bedding from the camping trip, which I really need to get washed straight away so we can put it all back IN the camper and put the camper away in the I always have other mountains of laundry to do, in fact just today Hayley said she needed more bras, but really all her bras are just being held captive in the laundry room and I haven't gotten to them yet...........and speaking of Hayley, she's off making chocolate chip cookies, which I love like my own children, and certainly don't need because I need to lose weight SO BAD.....which reminds me that we're going to the beach in a week and no way in hell am I going to want to wear a swimsuit because I might get pushed back in the ocean while people yell "save the whales!".........and anyway, I already ate some M&M's........and the kids are watching TV when really they could be helping clean this house which is so strewn with dog hair it's disgusting, I am talking CLUMPS on the floor, little mousy looking things that jump out at you......and speaking of dogs, Shade barked ALL DAY today...seriously, just barked and barked and nothing made him happy and I thought I might go crazy and emailed Jeff and said he needed to get this dog on some sedatives or I will go postal.........and then Shade got into a big bag of candy and candy wrappers and ate who knows what while Hannah just lay on the couch not even noticing it because she's been in a sugar coma all day because she ate candy nonstop for like six hours yesterday.......and so today I was trying to get the kids to eat all healthy......and hey, I just noticed that I don't think the girls remembered that their show is on RIGHT NOW and when they realize it they will freak........and I think I just ran out of things to say. Ok, I'm done.


Mimi/Papa said...

For God's sake, Mary-Leah...take a breath already!!!!!

MAMMA said...

Ok, that was laugh-out-loud funny! I feel just like your blog sounded!
Love, M2

Jeff said...

Oh yeah, I called and left a message on the phone-2X. She forgot to mention that the plan was for her to bring me dinner before the game. I was shaking starving during the game and had to ride home 5 miles..... in the cold.....and the rain..... and it was getting dark. I'm just kidding it wasn't cold and it didn't rain:)

No guilt intended:)

On a positive note, M-L did fry up a left over hot dog and and Braut and heated up some leftover corn for me for dinner when I finally made home from my softball game and ride home:)